Monday, May 16, 2016

Corrupt Amerikka

This piece is about  the mis-justice that commonly occurs in our society today. The dark blue represents the oppression of the people. The red represents the mis-justice done onto them. The flag represents the very thing that holds us down.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Representation of Myself

I believe this represents me because i am a very laid-back, chill person. I edited the photo adding cool tones to emphasize the chill. I then added a outer glow effect to show how bright my outer shell is. It also gives the effect of a rough exterior and a soft interior which is how i see myself. 

Barbie's Flower

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Favorite Artist: Fahamu Pecou

 Ive actually gotten a chance to meet fahamu pecou. He was a very cool person, very in touch with himself and where he comes from and i believe his art expresses that. I enjoy the graphic aspects of his work and really enjoyed the collection where he used gold leafing to accent the works. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Clean Air

This project was based off a clean air t-shirt deign. To create this image i downloaded various brush sets including a water color brush set and a coffee stain brush set. I used a combination of each brush set, and previous brushes of clouds i had made to paint this abstract image of the earth. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Cultural Diversity: Artist Statement

   I believe we can break the barrier of racism by ridding our society of social norms. If we look at the world colorblind we can come to the conclusion that there is only one race, the human race. In this image I tried to express how far we have come. We have escaped the darkness that is oppression and we are on our way to the light of freedom. The image still depicts we have not broken the barriers but shows we have come a long way in this endless fight to freedom.

Cultural Diversity